












ご本人から保有個人データの開示、訂正、削除、第三者への提供停止等を求められたときは、これに対応します。その際、効率的な対応を行うために受付窓口を設置致します。詳細は、下記「5. 開示等の請求に関する手続」をご覧ください。




1. 個人情報の利用目的





  • 法令に基づく場合。
  • 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。
  • 当該第三者が学術研究機関等である場合であって、当該第三者が当該個人データを学術研究目的で取り扱う必要があるとき(当該個人データを取り扱う目的の一部が学術研究目的である場合を含み、ご本人の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがある場合を除きます)


  • 法令に基づく場合。
  • 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。
  • 当該第三者が学術研究機関等である場合であって、当該第三者が当該個人データを学術研究目的で取り扱う必要があるとき(当該個人データを取り扱う目的の一部が学術研究目的である場合を含み、ご本人の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがある場合を除きます)
  • 個人の権利利益を保護する上で我が国と同等の水準にあると認められる外国として個人情報保護委員会規則で定める国にある第三者に提供する場合
  • 個人データの提供を受ける者との間で、適切かつ合理的な方法により、個人情報保護法第4章第2節の規定の趣旨に沿った措置の実施が確保されている場合
  • 当該第三者が個人データの取扱いに係る国際的な枠組みに基づく認定を受けている場合







(1) 「開示等の求め」のお申出先
東京都千代田区神田淡路町2-101 ワテラスタワー9F
トヨタ・コニック・プロ株式会社 個人情報お問合せ窓口


A. 弊社所定の申請書
「保有個人データ」開示申請書 *申請内容の□に必ずチェックをしてください。
B. 本人確認のための書類

(3) 代理人による「開示等の求め」

a. 法定代理人の場合
・法定代理権があることを確認するための書類 1通
・法定代理人本人であることを確認するための書類 1通 上記(2)Bと同様
b. 委任による代理人の場合
弊社所定の委任状 1通(委任状をダウンロードしてください。)
・ご本人の印鑑証明書 1通
・代理人ご本人であることを確認するための書類 1通 上記(2)Bと同様

(4) 「開示等の求め」の手数料


(5) 「開示等の求め」に対する回答方法


(6) 開示等の求めに関して取得した個人情報の利用目的
※「保有個人データ」及び「第三者提供記録」の不開示事由について 次に定める場合は、不開示とします。不開示を決定した場合は、その旨、理由を付記してご通知申し上げます。なお、不開示の場合についても所定の手数料をいただきます。






東京都千代田区神田淡路町2-101 ワテラスタワー 9F
トヨタ・コニック・プロ株式会社 個人情報お問合せ窓口


(2) 弊社の所属する「認定個人情報保護団体」の名称及び苦情の申出先


Basic Policy for Personal Information Protection

■Basic Policy for Personal Information Protection

TOYOTA CONIQ Pro, Inc. (click here for the details; hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) provides optimal solutions in various fields in marketing by making the most of Toyota’s marketing assets as a member of the Toyota Group. For this purpose, the Company will properly protect important personal information from customers, business partners, employees of the Company, and job applicants to the Company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Customers, etc.”) based on this basic policy for personal information protection (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”).

Amid increasing social demand for the protection of personal information, the Company will clearly indicate and comply with the policy for personal information protection and have all the employees follow the policy to protect personal information of all personnel involved in the business activities.

■Personal Information Obtained by the Company

The Company may obtain the following personal information (regardless of type of information such as printed, electronic, audio, and image data):

– Information whose handling is entrusted by business partners such as advertisers and media companies;
– Information obtained by various types of research;
– Personal information obtained through marketing activities;
– Information obtained through the use of services provided by the Company;
– Information obtained through other business activities; and
– Information of all employees of the Company and its affiliated companies.

■Basic Stance for Personal Information Protection

The Company will indicate and comply with the following basic stance to collect, use, and provide personal information.

Compliance with relevant laws and regulations
When handling personal information, the Company will comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” (Act No. 57 of 2003; hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”), relevant laws and regulations of personal information protection, and obligations specified in guidelines provided by the relevant ministries and agencies.

Proper acquisition and use of personal information
The Company will obtain personal information by a proper means and handle it only within the scope of purposes of use by identifying the purposes as much as possible.
In addition, when using personal information outside of purposes of use or providing it to a third party, the Company will handle it after obtaining the consent of the person.

Security management system
The Company will clarify the internal system of responsibilities and educate all the employees to thoroughly raise their awareness of personal information handling. The Company will also build an information system to control unauthorized accesses. In this process, necessary actions for security management will be taken not only to all the employees but also to trustees to supervise them.

Response to accidents
When there is a leakage, loss, or damage of personal information or a case that may cause either of them, the Company will build a system to promptly respond to personnel involved including reporting to authorities and notifications to the Customers, etc.

Response to requests of disclosure, etc.
When a person requests to disclose, modify, or delete retained personal data or to stop providing the data to third parties, the Company will respond to the request, in which case a contact point will be established to address the matter efficiently. For details, refer to “5. Procedure for the Request of Disclosure, etc.” below.
The Company will also build a system to immediately respond to complaints and inquiries from the person.

Actions in response to changes in the environment
The Company will flexibly respond to the establishment of laws and regulations related to personal information and changes in social circumstances to make improvements.


Handling of Personal Information

1.Purposes of Use of Personal Information

The Company will clarify the purposes of use every time when obtaining personal information described directly in writing from the Customers, etc.
When obtaining personal information directly not in writing or indirectly, the Company will handle the information within the scope of the following purposes of use. The Company will obtain personal information by clarifying the purposes of use when using it in other purposes.

2.Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

(1) The Company will properly manage personal information obtained from the Customers, etc., and will not provide it to any third party without their prior consent; however, the following cases are exceptions:

  • Where the provision is based on the laws and regulations;
  • Where the provision is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain his/her consent;
  • Where the provision is especially necessary to enhance public hygiene or promote the fostering of healthy children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of a person;
  • Where it is necessary to cooperate on the execution of administrative affairs specified by laws or regulations of a national or regional organization or those who have been entrusted by such an organization, and obtaining a person’s consent may interfere with the execution of the said affairs; and
  • Where the third party is an academic research institute, etc. and the third party needs to handle the personal data for academic purposes (except for the cases where the handling may unduly interfere with the person’s rights and benefits including the cases where a part of the purposes of handling the personal information are academic).

(2) The Company will not provide personal data to any third party in foreign countries without obtaining his/her consent; however, the following cases are exceptions:

  • Where the provision is based on the laws and regulations;
  • Where the provision is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain his/her consent;
  • Where the provision is especially necessary to enhance public hygiene or promote the fostering of healthy children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of a person;
  • Where it is necessary to cooperate on the execution of administrative affairs specified by laws or regulations of a national or regional organization or those who have been entrusted by such an organization, and obtaining a person’s consent may interfere with the execution the said affairs;
  • Where the third party is an academic research institute, etc. and the third party needs to handle the personal data for academic purposes (except for the cases where the handling may unduly interfere with the person’s rights and benefits including the cases where a part of the purposes of handling the personal information are academic);
  • Where the data is provided to a third party in a country specified in the Personal Information Protection Commission’s regulations as a foreign country which is deemed to be in the level equivalent to Japan in terms of protection of personal rights and benefits;
  • Where the implementation of measures which is in line with the purport of the provisions of Chapter 4, Section 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act is secured in an appropriate and reasonable manner with those who receive the personal data; and
  • Where the third party is authorized based on an international framework related to the handling of personal data.

3.Handling of Personal Data When It is Entrusted

The Company may entrust all or part of handling of personal information to a third party to the extent that it is necessary to achieve the purposes of use described in “1. Purposes of Use of Personal Information” above. In such a case, the Company will select a proper trustee and exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the trustee.

4.Security Management Measures of Personal Data

In order to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, the Company takes necessary and appropriate organizational, personal, physical, and technical security management measures. For the details of the security management measures, please contact the Contact Point for Inquiries.

5.Procedure for the Request of Disclosure, etc.

The Company responds to requests from a person or his/her agent of notification of purposes of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, discontinuation of use, elimination, and discontinuation of provision to a third party of retained personal data, and disclosure of records of provision of personal data to third parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Request of Disclosure, etc.”).

(1) Contact for Request of Disclosure, etc.
Contact Point for Personal Information Inquiries, TOYOTA CONIQ Pro, Inc.
9F, Waterras Tower, 2-101 Kanda-Awaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8343

(2) Documents (forms) to be submitted for the Request of Disclosure, etc.
When making the Request of Disclosure, etc., please download the following application form A, fill out all the necessary fields, and send it with the identity verification document B as well as a commission in (4) (a stamp of JPY 480-), which is required only in the case of Notification of Purposes of Use, Disclosure, or Disclosure of Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties, by simplified registered mail or registered mail with delivery certificate. In addition, describe “Documents for the Request of Disclosure, etc. enclosed” on the envelope.

A. Application form designated by the Company
Application form for the Disclosure of Retained Personal Data * Please be sure to check □ of the content you apply for.
B. Identity verification document
Please enclose the copy of any of the following:
– Driver’s license, passport, or insurance card of any type

(3) Request of Disclosure, etc. made by an agent
If the Request of Disclosure, etc. is made by either the legal representative of a person or an agent entrusted by the person, the following documents should be enclosed in addition to those in the preceding paragraph.

a.In the case of a legal representative
– A copy of a document to confirm legal representative authority
– A copy of a document to identify the legal representative: Similar to the one in (2) B above.
b. In the case of an entrusted agent
– A copy of Power of Attorney designated by the Company (The Power of Attorney should be downloaded.)
– A copy of the agent’s seal registration certificate
– A copy of a document to identify the agent: Similar to the one in (2) B above.

(4) Commission for the Request of Disclosure, etc.
In the case of Notification of Purposes of Use, Disclosure, or Disclosure of Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties, you will be asked to send a commission per application. Please enclose a postage stamp of JPY 480 in the application documents.

* In the cases of application of other than the Notification of Purposes of Use, Disclosure, or Disclosure of Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties, the stamp is unnecessary as the request can be made free of charge.
* If the fees enclosed are insufficient or if no fees are enclosed, the Company will notify the request sender, and take necessary steps after confirming the arrival of the fees. However, if the commission does not arrive after two weeks, the Company will assume that the request has been withdrawn and return a set of application documents the Company has received.

(5) How to respond to the Request of Disclosure, etc.
The Company will make a response by mail to the address described in the application form or by e-mail. You can choose a disclosure method of either in electromagnetic records or in a document.

* Please choose the desirable response method/disclosure method in the corresponding field in the application form for the Disclosure of Retained Personal Data.

(6) Purposes of use of personal information obtained upon the Request of Disclosure, etc.
The personal information obtained upon the Request of Disclosure, etc. will be handled only within the scope necessary for the Request of Disclosure, etc. The Company will discard submitted documents after finishing a response to the request.
* Reasons for not disclosing Retained Personal Data and Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties: The information will not be disclosed in the following cases. The Company will give you a notification with reasons when deciding not to disclose information. You will be asked to send the commission even when the information is not disclosed.

– Where a request sender is not identified due to the inconsistency of the address described in the application form and identity verification document or registered in the Company;
– Where the legal representative authority cannot be confirmed in the case of application by a legal representative;
– Where the application documents are incomplete;
– Where the request of disclosure is not made for the Retained Personal Data or Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties;
– Where the request may damage the life, body, property, or other rights or benefits of a request sender or a third party;
– Where the request may significantly interfere with the Company’s proper execution of services;
– Where the Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties which is requested to be disclosed are included in those specified in the government ordinance as the data which harms public or other interests if its presence or absence is known; and
– Where the request violates other laws or regulations.

6.Change of the Policy

The Company may change all or part of the Policy. However, in the case where the Company changes the Policy in which the consent of a person would be necessary in accordance with laws and regulations, the changed Policy will apply only to users who have agreed to the changes.

 7.Matters Regarding the Contact Point for Complaints, etc.

(1) Contact for complaints, etc. for the handling of personal information
Please send opinions, questions, or complaints regarding the handling of personal information of the Company to the following by mail:

Contact Point for Personal Information Inquiries, TOYOTA CONIQ Pro, Inc.
9F, Waterras Tower, 2-101 Kanda-Awaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8343

Please note that the Company cannot accept complaints, etc. from those who visit the office.

(2) Name of an Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization to which the Company belongs to and the destination of sending complaints
The Company currently does not belong to any Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization.














ご本人から保有個人データの開示、訂正、削除、第三者への提供停止等を求められたときは、これに対応します。その際、効率的な対応を行うために受付窓口を設置致します。詳細は、下記「5. 開示等の請求に関する手続」をご覧ください。




1. 個人情報の利用目的





  • 法令に基づく場合。
  • 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。
  • 当該第三者が学術研究機関等である場合であって、当該第三者が当該個人データを学術研究目的で取り扱う必要があるとき(当該個人データを取り扱う目的の一部が学術研究目的である場合を含み、ご本人の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがある場合を除きます)


  • 法令に基づく場合。
  • 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。
  • 当該第三者が学術研究機関等である場合であって、当該第三者が当該個人データを学術研究目的で取り扱う必要があるとき(当該個人データを取り扱う目的の一部が学術研究目的である場合を含み、ご本人の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがある場合を除きます)
  • 個人の権利利益を保護する上で我が国と同等の水準にあると認められる外国として個人情報保護委員会規則で定める国にある第三者に提供する場合
  • 個人データの提供を受ける者との間で、適切かつ合理的な方法により、個人情報保護法第4章第2節の規定の趣旨に沿った措置の実施が確保されている場合
  • 当該第三者が個人データの取扱いに係る国際的な枠組みに基づく認定を受けている場合







(1) 「開示等の求め」のお申出先
東京都千代田区神田淡路町2-101 ワテラスタワー9F
トヨタ・コニック・プロ株式会社 個人情報お問合せ窓口


A. 弊社所定の申請書
「保有個人データ」開示申請書 *申請内容の□に必ずチェックをしてください。
B. 本人確認のための書類

(3) 代理人による「開示等の求め」

a. 法定代理人の場合
・法定代理権があることを確認するための書類 1通
・法定代理人本人であることを確認するための書類 1通 上記(2)Bと同様
b. 委任による代理人の場合
弊社所定の委任状 1通(委任状をダウンロードしてください。)
・ご本人の印鑑証明書 1通
・代理人ご本人であることを確認するための書類 1通 上記(2)Bと同様

(4) 「開示等の求め」の手数料


(5) 「開示等の求め」に対する回答方法


(6) 開示等の求めに関して取得した個人情報の利用目的
※「保有個人データ」及び「第三者提供記録」の不開示事由について 次に定める場合は、不開示とします。不開示を決定した場合は、その旨、理由を付記してご通知申し上げます。なお、不開示の場合についても所定の手数料をいただきます。






東京都千代田区神田淡路町2-101 ワテラスタワー 9F
トヨタ・コニック・プロ株式会社 個人情報お問合せ窓口


(2) 弊社の所属する「認定個人情報保護団体」の名称及び苦情の申出先


Basic Policy for Personal Information Protection

■Basic Policy for Personal Information Protection

TOYOTA CONIQ Pro, Inc. (click here for the details; hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) provides optimal solutions in various fields in marketing by making the most of Toyota’s marketing assets as a member of the Toyota Group. For this purpose, the Company will properly protect important personal information from customers, business partners, employees of the Company, and job applicants to the Company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Customers, etc.”) based on this basic policy for personal information protection (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”).

Amid increasing social demand for the protection of personal information, the Company will clearly indicate and comply with the policy for personal information protection and have all the employees follow the policy to protect personal information of all personnel involved in the business activities.

■Personal Information Obtained by the Company

The Company may obtain the following personal information (regardless of type of information such as printed, electronic, audio, and image data):

– Information whose handling is entrusted by business partners such as advertisers and media companies;
– Information obtained by various types of research;
– Personal information obtained through marketing activities;
– Information obtained through the use of services provided by the Company;
– Information obtained through other business activities; and
– Information of all employees of the Company and its affiliated companies.

■Basic Stance for Personal Information Protection

The Company will indicate and comply with the following basic stance to collect, use, and provide personal information.

Compliance with relevant laws and regulations
When handling personal information, the Company will comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” (Act No. 57 of 2003; hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”), relevant laws and regulations of personal information protection, and obligations specified in guidelines provided by the relevant ministries and agencies.

Proper acquisition and use of personal information
The Company will obtain personal information by a proper means and handle it only within the scope of purposes of use by identifying the purposes as much as possible.
In addition, when using personal information outside of purposes of use or providing it to a third party, the Company will handle it after obtaining the consent of the person.

Security management system
The Company will clarify the internal system of responsibilities and educate all the employees to thoroughly raise their awareness of personal information handling. The Company will also build an information system to control unauthorized accesses. In this process, necessary actions for security management will be taken not only to all the employees but also to trustees to supervise them.

Response to accidents
When there is a leakage, loss, or damage of personal information or a case that may cause either of them, the Company will build a system to promptly respond to personnel involved including reporting to authorities and notifications to the Customers, etc.

Response to requests of disclosure, etc.
When a person requests to disclose, modify, or delete retained personal data or to stop providing the data to third parties, the Company will respond to the request, in which case a contact point will be established to address the matter efficiently. For details, refer to “5. Procedure for the Request of Disclosure, etc.” below.
The Company will also build a system to immediately respond to complaints and inquiries from the person.

Actions in response to changes in the environment
The Company will flexibly respond to the establishment of laws and regulations related to personal information and changes in social circumstances to make improvements.


Handling of Personal Information

1.Purposes of Use of Personal Information

The Company will clarify the purposes of use every time when obtaining personal information described directly in writing from the Customers, etc.
When obtaining personal information directly not in writing or indirectly, the Company will handle the information within the scope of the following purposes of use. The Company will obtain personal information by clarifying the purposes of use when using it in other purposes.

2.Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

(1) The Company will properly manage personal information obtained from the Customers, etc., and will not provide it to any third party without their prior consent; however, the following cases are exceptions:

  • Where the provision is based on the laws and regulations;
  • Where the provision is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain his/her consent;
  • Where the provision is especially necessary to enhance public hygiene or promote the fostering of healthy children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of a person;
  • Where it is necessary to cooperate on the execution of administrative affairs specified by laws or regulations of a national or regional organization or those who have been entrusted by such an organization, and obtaining a person’s consent may interfere with the execution of the said affairs; and
  • Where the third party is an academic research institute, etc. and the third party needs to handle the personal data for academic purposes (except for the cases where the handling may unduly interfere with the person’s rights and benefits including the cases where a part of the purposes of handling the personal information are academic).

(2) The Company will not provide personal data to any third party in foreign countries without obtaining his/her consent; however, the following cases are exceptions:

  • Where the provision is based on the laws and regulations;
  • Where the provision is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain his/her consent;
  • Where the provision is especially necessary to enhance public hygiene or promote the fostering of healthy children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of a person;
  • Where it is necessary to cooperate on the execution of administrative affairs specified by laws or regulations of a national or regional organization or those who have been entrusted by such an organization, and obtaining a person’s consent may interfere with the execution the said affairs;
  • Where the third party is an academic research institute, etc. and the third party needs to handle the personal data for academic purposes (except for the cases where the handling may unduly interfere with the person’s rights and benefits including the cases where a part of the purposes of handling the personal information are academic);
  • Where the data is provided to a third party in a country specified in the Personal Information Protection Commission’s regulations as a foreign country which is deemed to be in the level equivalent to Japan in terms of protection of personal rights and benefits;
  • Where the implementation of measures which is in line with the purport of the provisions of Chapter 4, Section 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act is secured in an appropriate and reasonable manner with those who receive the personal data; and
  • Where the third party is authorized based on an international framework related to the handling of personal data.

3.Handling of Personal Data When It is Entrusted

The Company may entrust all or part of handling of personal information to a third party to the extent that it is necessary to achieve the purposes of use described in “1. Purposes of Use of Personal Information” above. In such a case, the Company will select a proper trustee and exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the trustee.

4.Security Management Measures of Personal Data

In order to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, the Company takes necessary and appropriate organizational, personal, physical, and technical security management measures. For the details of the security management measures, please contact the Contact Point for Inquiries.

5.Procedure for the Request of Disclosure, etc.

The Company responds to requests from a person or his/her agent of notification of purposes of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, discontinuation of use, elimination, and discontinuation of provision to a third party of retained personal data, and disclosure of records of provision of personal data to third parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Request of Disclosure, etc.”).

(1) Contact for Request of Disclosure, etc.
Contact Point for Personal Information Inquiries, TOYOTA CONIQ Pro, Inc.
9F, Waterras Tower, 2-101 Kanda-Awaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8343

(2) Documents (forms) to be submitted for the Request of Disclosure, etc.
When making the Request of Disclosure, etc., please download the following application form A, fill out all the necessary fields, and send it with the identity verification document B as well as a commission in (4) (a stamp of JPY 480-), which is required only in the case of Notification of Purposes of Use, Disclosure, or Disclosure of Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties, by simplified registered mail or registered mail with delivery certificate. In addition, describe “Documents for the Request of Disclosure, etc. enclosed” on the envelope.

A. Application form designated by the Company
Application form for the Disclosure of Retained Personal Data * Please be sure to check □ of the content you apply for.
B. Identity verification document
Please enclose the copy of any of the following:
– Driver’s license, passport, or insurance card of any type

(3) Request of Disclosure, etc. made by an agent
If the Request of Disclosure, etc. is made by either the legal representative of a person or an agent entrusted by the person, the following documents should be enclosed in addition to those in the preceding paragraph.

a.In the case of a legal representative
– A copy of a document to confirm legal representative authority
– A copy of a document to identify the legal representative: Similar to the one in (2) B above.
b. In the case of an entrusted agent
– A copy of Power of Attorney designated by the Company (The Power of Attorney should be downloaded.)
– A copy of the agent’s seal registration certificate
– A copy of a document to identify the agent: Similar to the one in (2) B above.

(4) Commission for the Request of Disclosure, etc.
In the case of Notification of Purposes of Use, Disclosure, or Disclosure of Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties, you will be asked to send a commission per application. Please enclose a postage stamp of JPY 480 in the application documents.

* In the cases of application of other than the Notification of Purposes of Use, Disclosure, or Disclosure of Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties, the stamp is unnecessary as the request can be made free of charge.
* If the fees enclosed are insufficient or if no fees are enclosed, the Company will notify the request sender, and take necessary steps after confirming the arrival of the fees. However, if the commission does not arrive after two weeks, the Company will assume that the request has been withdrawn and return a set of application documents the Company has received.

(5) How to respond to the Request of Disclosure, etc.
The Company will make a response by mail to the address described in the application form or by e-mail. You can choose a disclosure method of either in electromagnetic records or in a document.

* Please choose the desirable response method/disclosure method in the corresponding field in the application form for the Disclosure of Retained Personal Data.

(6) Purposes of use of personal information obtained upon the Request of Disclosure, etc.
The personal information obtained upon the Request of Disclosure, etc. will be handled only within the scope necessary for the Request of Disclosure, etc. The Company will discard submitted documents after finishing a response to the request.
* Reasons for not disclosing Retained Personal Data and Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties: The information will not be disclosed in the following cases. The Company will give you a notification with reasons when deciding not to disclose information. You will be asked to send the commission even when the information is not disclosed.

– Where a request sender is not identified due to the inconsistency of the address described in the application form and identity verification document or registered in the Company;
– Where the legal representative authority cannot be confirmed in the case of application by a legal representative;
– Where the application documents are incomplete;
– Where the request of disclosure is not made for the Retained Personal Data or Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties;
– Where the request may damage the life, body, property, or other rights or benefits of a request sender or a third party;
– Where the request may significantly interfere with the Company’s proper execution of services;
– Where the Records of Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties which is requested to be disclosed are included in those specified in the government ordinance as the data which harms public or other interests if its presence or absence is known; and
– Where the request violates other laws or regulations.

6.Change of the Policy

The Company may change all or part of the Policy. However, in the case where the Company changes the Policy in which the consent of a person would be necessary in accordance with laws and regulations, the changed Policy will apply only to users who have agreed to the changes.

 7.Matters Regarding the Contact Point for Complaints, etc.

(1) Contact for complaints, etc. for the handling of personal information
Please send opinions, questions, or complaints regarding the handling of personal information of the Company to the following by mail:

Contact Point for Personal Information Inquiries, TOYOTA CONIQ Pro, Inc.
9F, Waterras Tower, 2-101 Kanda-Awaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8343

Please note that the Company cannot accept complaints, etc. from those who visit the office.

(2) Name of an Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization to which the Company belongs to and the destination of sending complaints
The Company currently does not belong to any Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization.